Monday, September 13, 2010

How not to get shot (or tazed or punched) by the police.

1. Don't commit a crime. If the police are never called on you, or never see you doing something illegal, you won't have encounters with police. If you don't come in contact with a police officer, it makes it very hard to get assaulted by a police officer.

2. If you break rule number 1 (see above) and you find yourself confronted by a police officer, there is a very easy way to protect yourself from being assaulted. Ready? Here is the secret: Do what the officer says. It really is that easy. I promise.

Lets take a look at this clip and see if we can tell which rule was broken.

See? She broke rule number 2. She refused to do what the officer said, and got herself punched in the face. Deserved it, too! Now of course, there was a huge uproar because the officer was white and the girl is black, so of course racism must be involved.

I guess no one else could see the part where she was physically struggling with the officer, and refusing to comply. She's lucky she didn't get herself tazed or shot. Or that the officer didn't land a better punch. She'd have been a lot easier to stuff in a patrol car if the officer had knocked her out first.

I'm really tired of criminals whining about police brutality. Even worse if the the criminal is a minority, because then the race card gets played. What are the police supposed to do? "Be gentle with this guy, boys! He's {insert minority race here}. Or better yet, lets just let him go. If we arrest him, people might think we're racist!"

Sorry, doesn't work that way.

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